2024/2/9 活動報告
2月7日(水)、当会関西支部長が統括して 沖縄自主派遣隊 を編成し、特定非営利活動法人JYMA日本青年遺骨収集団 への支援活動として沖縄県糸満市真栄平のアバタガマにて戦没者遺骨収容活動を実施しました。
7日現在、当会派遣隊 河合隊長以下10名は、一柱でも多くのご遺骨を収容できるよう精励しており、既に骨片を発見、収容しております。
【 Kansai Branch Okinawa Voluntary Dispatch Activities 】《Day 1》
On February 7th (Wed.), the Director of Kansai branch organized the Okinawa Voluntary Dispatch and went to Abatagama, Maehira, Itoman City, Okinawa Pref. as a support activity for the Japan Youth Memorial Association (JYMA). We carried out activities to collect the remains of war dead.
As of the 7th, 10 members, including Captain Kawai, are working hard to recover as many remains as possible, and have already found and recovered bone fragments.
*Due to our regulations, images of the remains are not posted.
Your understanding is highly appreciated.



