2024/2/11 活動報告
2月9日(金)、南国の雨模様の中、当隊は沖縄県糸満市「摩文仁の丘 平和祈念公園」内に所在する「ブーゲンビル島戦歿勇士之碑」にて、仏式による慰霊法要を厳修しました。
当会宮崎連絡部長(曹洞宗 慈眼禅寺 副住職)を導師として、総員15名にて厳かに執り行うことができました。
・全国ソロモン会 沖縄自主派遣隊
【 Kansai Branch Okinawa Voluntary Dispatch Activities 】《Day 3・Final day》
On February 9th (Fri.), despite the tropical rain, our team held a Buddhist-style memorial service at the Bougainville Island Veterans Monument located in the Mabuni Hill Peace Memorial Park in Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture.
The ceremony was solemnly held with 15 members, led by our Liaison Director in Miyazaki (Deputy Chief Priest of Sotoshu-Sect Jigenzenji Temple).
Participating organizations are as follows.
・All Japan Solomon Association, Okinawa Voluntary Dispatch
10 members including the Dispatch Leader
・NPO Japan Youth Memorial Association(JYMA)
4 students executives
・ Veteran Coopertion Association of Okinawa
Secretary General
Additionally, thanks to the preliminary cleaning by Mr. Matayoshi, our partner in Okinawa, we were able to set up the tent immediately. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
In March of this year, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Second Battle of Bougainville Island, Operation Tarokina, our voluntary dispatched members dedicated a memorial service to those who died on the island under our jurisdiction of the ex-17th Army and the ex-8th Fleet.
In addition, before the memorial service, a volunteer activity to clean up the cenotaph was carried out. After the memorial service, they prayed at the 32nd Army headquarters trench, then visited Gokoku Shrine of Okinawa Prefecture, where they held a memorial service for all those who died in the Battle of Okinawa.
Your understanding is highly appreciated.



