令和5年度ビスマーク・ソロモン諸島第2次遺骨収集派遣団 出発
2024/3/9 活動報告
3月8日(金)、(一社)日本戦没者遺骨収集推進協会にて当会より2名の団員を差遣し、14日間の行程でガダルカナル島 へ向け出発しました。
・厚生労働省 2名 ※指導監督官、遺骨鑑定人 各1名
・日本戦没者遺骨収集推進協会 4名
・日本遺族会 2名
・全国ソロモン会 2名
・JYMA日本青年遺骨収集団 1名
・隊友会 1名
【 Bismarck/Solomon Islands 2nd Dispatch for Remains Collection Departure 】
On March 8th (Fri.), the Japan Association for Recovery and Repatriation of War Casualties(JARRWC) including our 2 members departed for Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands for a 14-day trip.
●Participating organization
・Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: 2 people *Supervisor and remains expert: 1 person each
・Japan Association for Recovery and Repatriation of War Casualties 4 people
・Japan Bereaved Family Association 2 people
・All Japan Solomon Association 2 people
・JYMA Japanese Youth Memorial Association 1 person
・Veteran Coopertion Association 1 person
In this mission, we will enter Guadalcanal Island via Singapore and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. After paying courtesy visits to related institutions, the mission will primarily be to confirm and appraise the remains temporarily stored on site, and will also send out members to carry out reconnaissance and search activities.
More than 6,000 Japanese military personnel still lie in the jungles of Guadalcanal. We appreciate your understanding regarding the project to repatriate the remains of Japanese war dead.
