謹 賀 新 年
2022/1/3 トピックス
【 Happy new year 2022 】
May this be a happy and fruitful year.
Forthcoming August is the 80th milestones year for the Guadalcanal Campaign and Solomon Sea Naval Battle. We have planned a large scale memorial tour to Solomon Islands and the tour capacity on the advance reservations of 50 people became already full.
※The final decision of the enforcement has not made now due to the situation of COVID-19 and Honiara City.
We have also welcomed many new members and faced our meeting with a new system last year.
Your continued understanding and cooperation are highly appreciated in this year.
※Those photo images are our memorial tour in Guadalcanal at year of 2019.

平成30年度当会慰霊巡拝時の集合写真(ガダルカナル島ムカデ高地 第二師団慰霊碑前にて)

